Therapy Group Options
Process,Psychoeducational & Consultative
Psychoeducational Groups
“MindfulEase” - Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Stress Reduction
In Person or Virtual if you live in a PsyPact state. Do you often feel you fall back into old depressed or anxious patterns? Are you interested in learning how your thoughts, feelings and behaviors relate to your mood states? Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is designed to help people who suffer repeated bouts of depression and chronic unhappiness, anxiety, and chronic pain. It combines the ideas of cognitive therapy with meditative practices based on the cultivation of mindfulness. You will learn practical, life-long skills to become more in control of your thoughts and emotions (6 weeks).
“Secure Bonds” - Healing Attachment Wounds
In Person. Do you struggle to connect in relationships? Do you often repeat the same dysfunctional relationship patterns over and over again? Perhaps you find yourself over-functioning or being co-dependent with others or often pulling away and avoiding intimacy? You are not alone. Research estimates that approximately 40% of adults suffer from insecure attachments. In this series, you will learn how your childhood bonds with caregivers determine your perceptions and behaviors in current relation ships, and how to change your attachment style through practical, in-depth exercises, readings, and group discussion (10 weeks)
“Breaking Free from Co-Dependency”
In Person. Do you find yourself entangled in relationships that leave you feeling drained, constantly prioritizing the needs of others while neglecting your own happiness? Do you experience an overwhelming need to be reassured, fear rejection and/or abandonment, and have difficulty with creating and keeping boundaries? Co-dependency is an emotional and behavioral condition that affects an individual’s ability to have healthy, mutually satisfying relationships. It is also known as “relationship addiction” because people with co-dependency often form or maintain relationships that are one-sided, emotionally destructive and/or abusive. This group is dedicated to guiding individuals on the path to breaking free from codependency, fostering healthier relationships, and reclaiming a sense of autonomy and well-being. (8 weeks).
“Heal your Heart” - Building Self Compassion and Reducing Shame
In Person. This group draws from empirically based strategies to help you recognize shame as a universal experience and embrace authentic living as a foundation for shame resilience. Topics include: defining shame, practicing empathy, exploring triggers and vulnerabilities, practicing critical awareness, reaching out to others, and creating, embracing, and inspiring change. Connections engages clients on a cognitive, behavioral, and interpersonal level. Group members will learn via experiential exercises, videos, and reading assignments from Brené Brown's best-selling book, "I Thought It Was Just Me (but it isn't): Telling the Truth About Perfectionism, Inadequacy, and Power. A free book is provided for each member (10 weeks).
"Healing Hearts”- Grieving the Loss of a Loved One
In Person or Virtual if you live in a PsyPact state. This is a compassionate and supportive therapy group designed to provide solace and understanding to individuals navigating the challenging journey of grief and loss. Losing a loved one, whether through death, separation, or significant life changes, can be an overwhelming and isolating experience. This group offers a safe space for participants to share their emotions, find comfort in shared experiences, and embark on a healing process surrounded by a community of empathetic individuals (6 weeks).
“Telling Our Stories” - Narrative Group Therapy
In Person or Virtual if you live in a PsyPact state. What stories do you tell about yourself, others and the world? Are they helpful or hurtful? Perhaps these stories are outdated and no longer make sense in your current life. In this group, you will examine your stories that you have created through a lifetime of personal experiences using the principles of Narrative Therapy. This non-judgmental approach separates you from your problems and destructive behaviors, allowing you to not only find your voice, but help you to live in a way that reflects your goals and values. You will learn how to change a problematic narrative into a more productive and healthier one (8 weeks).
"Inner Child TLC: Nurturing and Re-Parenting Your Inner Child:
In Person or Virtual if you live in a PsyPact state. Do you experience emotional triggers that feel hard to explain? Your “inner child” may be carrying unhealed wounds that affect your adult self, with past pain influencing your present life. Unresolved childhood trauma—whether major or minor—can have a lasting impact until it’s healed. In this 10-week series, you’ll learn to embrace, trust, and heal your inner child. Through written, verbal, and experiential exercises, guided imagery, and journaling, you’ll transform your relationship with the past.
“A New Chapter" - Divorce recovery for Women
Virutal Only if you live in a PsyPact state. Are you recently divorced and starting a new life path? This group will focus on processing the emotional aspects of divorce, including grief, anger, shame, and acceptance. Members will learn practical coping strategies, communication tools and stress management techniques to navigate this life transition. Other topics will include: extended family dynamics, parenting, career changes, and rediscovering the best parts of you again. Reclaim your confidence to help you envision and plan for a fulfilling future (8 weeks).
“Navigating Newlywed Challenges” - Newlywed Couples 4-week Intensive
In Person or Virtual if you live in a PsyPact state. No matter how much you love your partner, the first 1 to 5 years of marriage is no easy feat. The reality and pressures of officially merging two lives can potentially throw your relationship out of balance. Every newlywed couple deserves to have the tools necessary to begin building their relationship foundation. In this series, couples will learn more effective ways to communicate, solve conflicts, and increase closeness and intimacy. Setting healthy boundaries, letting go of old wounds, and reclaiming your joy and compassion for each other will also be explored. This confidential group will include only 4 couples at a time so that you and your partner will receive personalized attention. Homework will be assigned between sessions to further enhance the new skills you will be learning. This group meets weekly for 4 weeks and is for couples (heterosexual and LGBTQ+) married for less than 5 years.
“New Beginnings” Postpartum Support
Virtual Only if you live in a PsyPact State Having a baby is supposed to be amazing, right? Not always. But no one really talks about how difficult the postpartum experience can be. Are you experiencing depressive thoughts, feelings of sadness, inadequacy, and exhaustion? Are you feeling isolated or having difficulty connecting with your partner? Are you worried that you are not bonding properly with your infant? This safe, confidential, and nurturing group will help you navigate the unique challenges of the postpartum period via facilitated discussions and therapeutic exercises. You will gain practical skills to address the emotional rollercoaster of postpartum, including mood fluctuations, identity shifts, and the impact on relationships (6 week series for mothers with 0-6 month-old babies, babies can attend).
“The Search for Professional Harmony” - Family-of-Origin Dynamics in the Workplace
In Person or Virtual if you live in a PsyPact state. Do you have a history of interpersonal frustration and conflict with your co-workers? Do you lack self-confidence or assertion on the job? Do you experience boundary issues at work? For example, do you find yourself over-functioning, under-functioning, not taken seriously, bullied, blamed or chronically misunderstood? In this group series, you will explore how your family history shapes your interpersonal experiences with your work families, and how to start changing these dysfunctional interpersonal patterns at work (10 weeks).
“A Journey to Professional Growth” - Consultation and Process Group for Early Career Mental Health Therapists (Women only)
In Person or Virtual if you live in a PsyPact state. Would you like to experience a safe place to explore issues specific to newer therapists? This process-oriented, ongoing group is a warm and dedicated community of clinicians who support and empower one another. The group uses the power of interpersonal process to expose such issues as: clinical confidence and self-doubt, work/family balance, clinical identity and authenticity, imposter syndrome, feelings of counter-transference and co-dependency, challenges of self-care, navigation of career choices and goals, burn-out, client boundary issues, and ethics. This group is considered consultative and not formal supervision. This is ongoing group, limited to 8 members, with a 3 month minimum commitment.
Interpersonal Process Groups
“Women's Journey”
In Person or Virtual if you live in a PsyPact state. This group is designed to facilitate meaningful connection between group members, help gain insight into your own relational patterns, and increase your confidence in building and maintaining your relationships outside the group. The process-oriented format will allow members to directly offer feedback to one another while processing current life issues such as: intimacy, grief/loss, sexual identity, addiction, infidelity, codependency, health concerns, family-of-origin, depression/anxiety, communication, parenting, career issues, among others. This is ongoing group, limited to 8 members, with a 3 month minimum commitment.
"Men's Journey"
In Person or Virtual if you live in a PsyPact state. This group is designed to facilitate meaningful connection between group members, help gain insight into your own relational patterns, and increase your confidence in building and maintaining relationships outside the group. The process-oriented format will allow members to directly offer feedback to one another while processing current life issues such as: intimacy, grief/loss, sexual identity, addiction, infidelity, codependency, health concerns, family-of-origin, depression/anxiety, communication, parenting, career issues, among others. This is ongoing group, limited to 8 members, with a 3 month minimum commitment.
To learn about the benefits of group therapy, how to get started on your group journey, and FAQ’s, click below